Blinking — Voluntary or Involuntary? 11/13/13


Today in Science we kicked off our Human Body unit with a Science Lab!! Our lesson today was about The Skeletal System and the Muscular System. For any interested teachers, the link to our lab is here. I love TPT!

In this picture students are counting the number of times they blinked in a minute!! 🙂  Don’t you love this timer on the Smart Board??  I think I will be using this LOTS!!

First, students had to count the number of times they blinked in a minute. Next, students timed themselves to see how long they went without blinking. I lasted 12 seconds — my eyes were dry!! 🙂 Finally, students got a plastic sheet protector and a cotton ball. Students held the plastic sheet in front of their face, while the other student tossed the cotton ball at the sheet. As they threw, they tallied if the person blinked. After all the labs were completed, we analyzed our data to see if we thought blinking was voluntary or involuntary.

Coming up tomorrow — students should bring water bottles to class. We are making a model of how our lungs work!!

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