Tornado Adjective Activity 1/17/14



Sorry that this picture is blurry — I forgot that my flash was on my camera! After our Daily Math Quiz today we added our last page to our Chapter 7 notebook.

I am trying to tie our Science content into other subjects to help our students connect their learning. Today we did a review of Adjectives which is one of our fourth grade skills. I found this cute video on You Tube of a class in Georgia singing about adjectives. You can watch this video here. After we watched the video we began thinking of words that would describe a tornado. Students illustrated a tornado on page 74, and worked in groups to come up with adjectives to write around their illustrated tornado. I was impressed with lots of our 4th graders notebook pages! Featured above are some of my 2nd and 4th period kiddos work.

I hope everyone has a great long weekend!! Next week we are working on a Weather Project with Ipads, and we will start Chapter 9 toward the end of the week!!

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