Sound Lab and Important Reminders — 4/14/14


Today in Science we reviewed our Sound Study Guide for our test tomorrow, and then we spent the last 20 minutes of class working in groups on the sound lab pictured above. I saw this Lab on Teachers pay Teachers for free a while back, and I just knew it was perfect for our 4th graders to do during our Sound Unit. Lots of people doubted that this would be a successful lab due to the noise factor (You know who you are!! ) — but it was so much fun and so inexpensive! The lab is posted here. However, parents may not be too happy with me for teaching these little angels how easy it is to make a duck call!! 🙂 Several kiddos mentioned going home and making more this evening!! I videoed each class demonstrating their duck calls — it will be in the post above 🙂

Important Reminders:
Sound Homework due on Tuesday
Sound Quiz on Tuesday

We will start our Light Unit on Wednesday.

One thought on “Sound Lab and Important Reminders — 4/14/14

  1. Pingback: Sound Lab Class Demonstrations — 4/14/14 | Mrs. Goggans' 4th Grade Scientists

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