What’s Happening in Science – Week 1 Natural Disasters (1/26 – 1/30)

This week we are spending the week entirely in our Science Notebooks learning about natural disasters. We will be assessed this week via our 5 notebook pages that students create after each lesson. We will test on Thursday of next week. Monday – Today we are being introduced to the seven vocabulary words we will be reviewing for the next 2 weeks. We are reading our Tornado Booklet on NB 68, watching a tornado video, and completing NB 69.


IMG_7199 Tuesday — Today we are reading our Hurricane Booklet on NB 70 and completing NB 72.


IMG_7201 Wednesday — Today we read our Earthquake/Tsunami Booklet and completed NB 72.


IMG_7203 Thursday — Today we are reading our Volcano Booklet and completing NB 74.


IMG_7224 Friday — Today we are reading our Winter Storm Booklet and completing NB 76.



One thought on “What’s Happening in Science – Week 1 Natural Disasters (1/26 – 1/30)

  1. I cannot tell you how impressed I am with your method of sharing your class efforts in detail, to help the parents know what needs to be studied and discussed.  Thank you!  DH BE Happy!

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