What’s Happening in Science (2/17 – 2/20) — Week 16 Week #1

This week we have began our Space Unit. We are spending this week and next on our Week 16 newsletter. We will be focusing on our planets and the Moon.

Tuesday — We taped in our vocabulary words on page 82. We read and highlighted in our newsletter (page 1.) We had a delay this morning so we had shorter classes.


Wednesday — We read p.2/3 in our newsletter and focused on the Solar System section.

Thursday – We reviewed and began our Planet Flip-up book. I downloaded this from one of the Science Penguin’s packs on her TPT store. Her store is located here.


Friday — We are working on our flip up books today. As students complete them, I will be giving them a daily work grade. This activity has to be complete for students to participate in the Planet Candy Lab on Monday. Yum! We are planning to test at the end of next week.

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