Warm Blooded/Cold Blooded — Science Notebook Page

This week we have been focusing on invertebrates and vertebrates, and today I introduced the new topic of warm blooded and cold blooded animals. This is our next to last 4th grade standard that we are to learn this year (can you believe it?!). Not only do I want the kids to understand the concept, but I want them to be able to identify what animals fall into each category.

We viewed a slideshow that hopefully helped to illustrate as I explained to the class. Then, we created a science notebook page to help them understand the concept.

Here is a fabulous student example!! I love how creative our 4th graders are on their pages!!

I always tell my students that I am not an expert ‘drawer’ by any means. I LOVE our notebooks, and I feel like it is such a great way to help us have a concrete example of our learning. Some pages I do better at than others … I HAVE to show my fail from today!!! I was in a hurry to get my illustrations done, and this poor cow below suffered!!! Many students sympathetized with my lack of drawing ability, but I heard some comments like is that a sheepdog?! And my personal favorite .. That looks like a Dalmatian with udders!! Ha!! You win some and lose some!!

Here is the infamous drawing. It began as a rabbit .. and became a cow. Or tried to be a cow. 🙂

Our test is on Friday. It will cover our Week 24 newsletter and our study guide.

Thanks for reading,

Mrs. Goggans

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