Save Fred – 9/4/15

Superhero Day, Save Fred Day plus Draco got a new house for his terrarium … and I may have brought a selfie stick to school today. It may have been a CRAZY Friday!! At least we have a long Labor Day weekend to rest up.

Students were given their first Science test back and their first notebook check today. I will be sending a note home next week about my grading procedures in Science.

First up, I had a doctors appointment yesterday afternoon in Florence. Of course, I had to stop by Petco to pick up some superworms for my bestie Draco. I’ve been hearing lots about these worms, and I wanted to see if he would like them as much as as other dragons love them. He definitely does — I’ll record a meal session soon. I spotted a cute house for guinea pigs and decided Draco needed it. So far, he’s avoided it. But, if he decides he needs to nap it will be there. 

I had to stop by and visit with the baby bearded dragons. They are the cutest things!!! Look at these sweet little babies!!!

We absolutely love the Fresh Fruit and Veggie program here at HES!! We get it 3 days a week, and the kids miss it the other 2 days!! We tried honeydew melon, cauliflower, and strawberries this week. The melon and the strawberries were favorites hands down. Here are a few of our girls enjoying their strawberries today. Follow us @hes4thgrade on Instagram. I love to video the kids reactions to new foods!!

I feel so lucky to teach 4th grade!! I love the kids excitement to learn, and I absolutely love the people on tbe purple hall. We met at PE time today to discuss all of our fun events coming up in the next few weeks at HES. Love these ladies!! We are missing a few out of this shot — it’s hard to catch everyone!! Excuse my facial expression — hard to get everyone perfect!! 🙂

Next up, the Save Fred STEM challenge. This is a fun challenge that I do each year. Here is the background:

Homeroom winners:

Class selfie:

This selfie stick is a tad harder than you would think. Got it at the five and below store at Florence. Five dollars and you can pick blue, green, pink, or black.

2nd period had two groups finish at the same exact time so we declared it a tie.

Class selfie:

4th Period:

This class selfie was a blurry mess. We will retake sometime.


Class selfie:


Class selfie:


This class basically all finished at the same time. I just snapped them all 🙂


I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend!!!

Ending with one more picture of my bestie, Draco. He was SO excited to see the fourth graders on Monday!! Look at that sweet face!!!


Mrs. Goggans

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