What’s Happening in Science — 9/28 to 10/2

We are busy this week finishing up our Plant Unit. Students received their Notebook Check #1 from our Plant Unit today (Monday.) We will have our 2nd notebook check Tuesday (NB pages 28 – 36.) Our test will be on Tuesday.

Monday –

We are finishing our NB pages 35/36 on Bug Eating Plants and our Main Idea Graphic Organizer. Students will have the last 20 minutes of class to finish up anything in their notebook (28 – 36) that needs to be finished.

Tuesday –

Plant Test today. This test is not Open Notebook — students received a study guide last Monday to help them review. It is 26 questions, and it covers all our notebook pages (17 – 36) that we covered during our unit.

Students will leave their notebooks in the basket when they leave class. I will grade notebook pages.

Wednesday –

We are doing a Food Webs PowerPoint/booklet today in class. This will go on NB 37.

Thursday – Today we are completing a Food Webs Vocabulary Booklet on NB 38. We are also gluing in NB 39 which is a food web warm-up to help us learn our content.

Friday –

Tall Cup Challenge — STEM .. I will be posting pictures!! 🙂

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