Animal Report Presentations – 11/3

Today students shared their Animal Research projects in class. I was super impressed with their hard work. I snapped a few to share!! Enjoy!!


What’s Happening in Science – 10/2 – 10/6

This week we are wrapping up our Animal Adaptations unit. 

Monday – Students completed notebook pages 61 and 62. We were learning about the External and Internal structures of Animals. 

Tuesday – students will review their study guides and we will share our animal research projects.

Wednesday – Animal Adaptations Test

Thursday – Catch Up Day on notebooks – 52 to 62. Students will also complete a notebook bookmark rubric on a page they feel they could improve. This page will count on their notebook check. Students will leave their notebooks in class to be graded. 

Friday –  Veterans Days activities in homeroom. We have early dismissal at 12:30.
We will begin our Human Body unit next week. This will be our last unit in Life Science. Next up, we will begin learning about Earth Science.

What’s Happening in Science – 10/26 to 10/30

Sorry I’m sharing late — both of my personal kiddos had busy weeks. I had to dart out right after school everyday. We were continuing to work on Animal Adaptations with our wonderful student teacher, Mrs. Sartin, leading the instruction.

Monday – We completed Warm Up 4 and 5. Students then sorted out different adaptations of a leopard gecko and the poison dart frog.

Tuesday – Students completed an Animal Adaptations fold-up on NB 58. This will be a daily work grade when I grade notebooks.


Wednesday/Thursday – Students were assigned an animal and used an IPad to complete a research project. We will present those next week. On Thursday, we also completed NB 61 Draw It.

Friday – Halloween festivities

What’s Happening in Science this week – 10/20 – 10/23

This week we have began our Animal Adaptation unit. This unit is being led by my fabulous student teacher, Mrs. Sartin. We will have our next notebook check on Monday of next week (10/26.) This will cover notebook pages 52 – 57. We will be testing on Wednesday, November 4th.

Tuesday – Today we viewed an Animal Adaptations PowerPoint and completed a booklet. This booklet is our daily week grade for the week. This is notebook page 52.

Wednesday – Today we read 3 passages about giraffes, elephants, and geckos. We identified the structural adaptations that helped it to survive. This is page 53. We also completed Day 1 – Day 3 of adaptations warm-up. This was on page 54 of our notebook.

Thursday – We will review the warm-ups and finish NB 53 Read It. We will be reading and describing the structural adaptations of agave plants and earthworms.

Friday – Today we are completing our Tech It page on NB 55.

** These resources were purchased from the Science Penguins teachers pay teachers store. The link is here.

Tall Cup Structure – 10/16/15

Today students were able to participate in the Tall Cup challenge if they were finished with their Life Cycle section of their notebook. I was super impressed at their group work!! Students were given 40 cups, and they were told to build a tower. The tallest tower would win. Here are our groups and structures from the challenge!!


The picture below this was the tallest tower of the entire day!! It measured in at 92 cm!!!

Fire Safety Week — 10/9

This week was Fire Safety Week. During AO, we learned about the Great Fire of Chicago and the beginning of the Fire Safety Week. We also wrote thank you letters to our Fire Fighters. On Friday, a few of our local Fire Fighters stopped by to talk with our 4th grade about the importance of fire safety. They stressed the importance of having smoke detectors in their homes, and also to test them periodically to make sure they work. They also instructed them to have a safety plan with their family in case of a fire.

This picture is of the 4th grade in the library with our Haleyville Fire Fighters. We are so thankful for their great dedication to keeping our families safe!

Mrs. Seymour was chosen by the 4th grade to dress up as a fire fighter. Doesn’t she look so natural?

What’s Happening this week — 10/12 to 10/16

This week we are learning about life cycles. We will not be testing on this — we will be taking a notebook grade for this standard.

Monday – Today we are learning about invertebrates and vertebrates. We will be putting this sheet on notebook 46.

We will create this page on NB 47 about vertebrates. This is a page in progress.

Tuesday – Today we glued in this page on NB 48. It is our information page about life cycles, and we will be revisiting it throughout the week.

NB 49 – We created the following foldable about incomplete metamorphosis. We were learning about the life cycle of a grasshopper.

Here are a couple of great examples from my 2nd period.

Wednesday – Today we are learning about the life cycle of the praying mantis. We will be creating NB page 50.

Thursday – Today we are learning about complete metamorphosis. We will be learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. We will create NB 51.

Friday – Students that are finished will get to participate in a STEM challenge. Students that are not finished will finish. Notebooks are to be turned in by the end of class. This will be a test grade.

These notebook pages are available for purchase in the Science Penguin Teachers Pay Teachers store. The link is here.

Perfect Attendance Party #2 10/9/15

I’m SO proud of my homeroom kiddos!! We earned our 2nd Perfect Attendance party on Wednesday, and we celebrated on Friday.

Each day that the ENTIRE class is present, we add a letter to the board. We are spelling the words Perfect Attendance. Out of 40 days of school, my kiddos have had perfect attendance 34 days! That is amazing!!

Why is perfect attendance celebrated? When students are absent, they lose so much content that is impossible to catch up on fully. I understand that sometimes things do come up or we are sick – but I also know that sometimes we just wake up and don’t want to come that day. I’m trying to encourage my kiddos to come — and so far it seems to be working well!!

For this party, I chose to do a fall theme. We had bottled water and graveyard pudding cups. It consisted of chocolate pudding, marshmallow with a gummy eye, a candy corn pumpkin, and a gummy worm. We also danced to a few gonoodle videos. And of course — I snapped pictures and had to record video!! I can’t wait to see what we do for our 3rd party!!


Field Trip Information – 9/30/15

Today students were given information about an upcoming field trip. Next Friday (Oct. 9), we will be attending the Annual Fourth Grade day at the Old Houston Jail. We will be attending different stations with lots of different activities. This is always a fun day!! We will leave the school at 10:15, and we will be returning around 1:45. Students may get a sack lunch from the lunchroom that day or they may bring one from home. The cost of this trip is nothing. It is FREE!! 🙂 Please sign the permission slip, and complete the health form and return it to your child’s teacher. 

This is not our big field trip — we will plan it later in the school year. We will be inviting parents on that trip. Due to space and the time, it is just not feasible this time. Also, several students are inquiring about bringing electronics. We are asking them to not bring them on the trip. We are planning an activity before we leave that morning, plus we will be riding only a short time period on the bus. Teachers will be snapping pictures of their classes that day to load onto Instagram. 

I am so excited about this trip!!! Let’s make this year the best EVER!! 😉 I’m attaching below the pictures of the forms that came home today with your child.


What’s Happening in Science — 9/28 to 10/2

We are busy this week finishing up our Plant Unit. Students received their Notebook Check #1 from our Plant Unit today (Monday.) We will have our 2nd notebook check Tuesday (NB pages 28 – 36.) Our test will be on Tuesday.

Monday –

We are finishing our NB pages 35/36 on Bug Eating Plants and our Main Idea Graphic Organizer. Students will have the last 20 minutes of class to finish up anything in their notebook (28 – 36) that needs to be finished.

Tuesday –

Plant Test today. This test is not Open Notebook — students received a study guide last Monday to help them review. It is 26 questions, and it covers all our notebook pages (17 – 36) that we covered during our unit.

Students will leave their notebooks in the basket when they leave class. I will grade notebook pages.

Wednesday –

We are doing a Food Webs PowerPoint/booklet today in class. This will go on NB 37.

Thursday – Today we are completing a Food Webs Vocabulary Booklet on NB 38. We are also gluing in NB 39 which is a food web warm-up to help us learn our content.

Friday –

Tall Cup Challenge — STEM .. I will be posting pictures!! 🙂