Tall Cup Structure – 10/16/15

Today students were able to participate in the Tall Cup challenge if they were finished with their Life Cycle section of their notebook. I was super impressed at their group work!! Students were given 40 cups, and they were told to build a tower. The tallest tower would win. Here are our groups and structures from the challenge!!


The picture below this was the tallest tower of the entire day!! It measured in at 92 cm!!!

Perfect Attendance Party #2 10/9/15

I’m SO proud of my homeroom kiddos!! We earned our 2nd Perfect Attendance party on Wednesday, and we celebrated on Friday.

Each day that the ENTIRE class is present, we add a letter to the board. We are spelling the words Perfect Attendance. Out of 40 days of school, my kiddos have had perfect attendance 34 days! That is amazing!!

Why is perfect attendance celebrated? When students are absent, they lose so much content that is impossible to catch up on fully. I understand that sometimes things do come up or we are sick – but I also know that sometimes we just wake up and don’t want to come that day. I’m trying to encourage my kiddos to come — and so far it seems to be working well!!

For this party, I chose to do a fall theme. We had bottled water and graveyard pudding cups. It consisted of chocolate pudding, marshmallow with a gummy eye, a candy corn pumpkin, and a gummy worm. We also danced to a few gonoodle videos. And of course — I snapped pictures and had to record video!! I can’t wait to see what we do for our 3rd party!!
