What’s Happening in Science (2/2 – 2/6) – Natural Disasters Week 14

This week we are finishing up our Earth Science unit with this 2nd week about Natural Disasters. Monday –

IMG_7264 We are reviewing our vocabulary words and reading our Science newsletter today. This is mostly review of last week’s booklets that are located in our Science notebooks. Tuesday – Today we are finishing up highlighting in our newsletters and we are creating a notebook page. We will be listing/illustrating things that cause fast and slow changes to the Earth’s surface. This page will be our daily work grade for the week. Wednesday — We will review and work on our crossword puzzle today in class. ‘Catch-Up’ Day is also today. Thursday — We will take our Week 14 quiz today. Students will be tested on 9 questions from their newsletter and their seven vocabulary words. Students will also be turning in their Science notebooks for me to check their notebook pages 60 – 76.

What’s Happening in Science – Week 1 Natural Disasters (1/26 – 1/30)

This week we are spending the week entirely in our Science Notebooks learning about natural disasters. We will be assessed this week via our 5 notebook pages that students create after each lesson. We will test on Thursday of next week. Monday – Today we are being introduced to the seven vocabulary words we will be reviewing for the next 2 weeks. We are reading our Tornado Booklet on NB 68, watching a tornado video, and completing NB 69.


IMG_7199 Tuesday — Today we are reading our Hurricane Booklet on NB 70 and completing NB 72.


IMG_7201 Wednesday — Today we read our Earthquake/Tsunami Booklet and completed NB 72.


IMG_7203 Thursday — Today we are reading our Volcano Booklet and completing NB 74.


IMG_7224 Friday — Today we are reading our Winter Storm Booklet and completing NB 76.



What’s Happening in Science (Week 13) — 1/14 – 1/22

We are currently studying Week 13 Weather and Climate newsletter in Science. This newsletter goes just right with our next one — Natural Disasters. These are some of our favorite things to learn about this year!! We are testing on Thursday, Jan. 22.

Wednesday (1/14) – We introduced our new vocabulary words and highlighted several sections in our Week 13 newsletter. These words are located on page 59 in our Science Notebooks.


Thursday (1/15) –
Today we reviewed Water Cycle and completed a booklet on NB 60. I purchased this booklet from the Science Penguin’s TPT store – the link is here. Students will have to be able to label the parts of the water cycle on their test. This booklet is a great study guide for them. 🙂 I will also be taking it for a Daily Work grade for the week.


Friday –

Today we focused on air masses and fronts in Science. We discussed and labeled the six air masses that affect weather in the U.S. This is located on page 64 in our notebooks. This led us to page 62 where we learned about warm, cold, and stationary fronts. I want students to be able to recognize these key words when they hear them during news forecasts during our weather homework assignment next week.



Also today we learned about weather balloons. A student brought in one they had just found in a tree — which amazed the students and also the teacher!! 🙂 I’m including the video we watched about them.


The above picture is the remains of the weather balloon we looked at in class today.

Tuesday (1/20) — We will review, we will look at a weather forecast and the weather map on NB 61. We will finish our newsletter and learn more about our homework assignment on NB 63.



Wednesday (1/21) —

We are completing a Venn Diagram about weather vs. climate on NB 65.


Thursday (1/22) —

Week 13 Quiz Day .. Our quiz will consist of our 6 vocabulary words, our 4 water cycle parts to label, and nine questions from our week 13 quiz. We will start Natural Disasters on the following Monday.

What’s Happening in Science – Week 12 ‘Soil’ (1/6 – 1/13

I hope everyone had a great Christmas break!!

We are studying Week 12 newsletter – Soil this week. We will test Tuesday, Jan. 13.

Tuesday — We will go over our new vocabulary words. We have six — and a few of these should be familiar because we have had them before. 🙂 Today we are reading page 1 of our newsletter and also about George Washington Carver. Students will write three facts about him on page 56 in their Science notebook.

/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/23a/56575795/files/2015/01/img_7020.jpg Wednesday– Today we are viewing a Rock Cycle PowerPoint and booklet. The booklet will be our daily work grade for the week. This set is available from the Science Penguin for purchase here.


/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/23a/56575795/files/2015/01/img_7023.jpg Thursday — We are reading our Rock Cycle section of our newsletter and completing a Rock Cycle cut-out that will go in our notebook.

Friday — We will finish our newsletter and continue working on our Rock Cycle cut-out.

Monday (Jan.12) — Today students will have time to “catch-up” on any incomplete notebook pages 49-58. Students that are finished will be provided with an enrichment activity. I will start checking completed notebooks.

Tuesday (Jan. 13) — Today students are taking their Week 12 quiz. I will also be checking their Science Notebook. This counts as a Test Grade. Pictured below is the Rubric I will use to score their work.

/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/23a/56575795/files/2015/01/img_7024.jpg Next up — Weather and Natural Disasters!! 🙂

What’s Happening this Week — 12/8 to 12/12

This week in Science we are covering Week 15 – To Protect and Conserve. We will test on Friday.

We are also reviewing Continents/Oceans this week, and we will be taking a quiz on Wednesday. Their Study Guides are their booklets from last week.

Monday – Today we reviewed continents and oceans, and introduced our 7 new vocabulary words (NB 52.)


We also read/highlighted all sections of our newsletter except Earth’s Resources.

Tuesday – We are reviewing continents/oceans, and our six vocabulary words. We are completing a graphic organizer booklet that goes with a Natural Resources Powerpoint. The Powerpoint is available here for purchase from the Science Penguin. This booklet is on page 54 in our Science Notebooks.



Wednesday —

Continents/Oceans Quiz today. We are also finishing our newsletter (Earth’s Resources) and completing notebook page 53.

Thursday —

Field Trip to see the Nutcracker Play 🙂 I will only see my AO class today.

Friday —

Week 15 Quiz

**This is the last week of grades for the 2nd 9 weeks in Science. 🙂

What’s Happening this Week — 12/1 to 12/5

This week we are studying Week 11 Oceans and Waterways. We will take our quiz on Friday.

We have nine words that go with this newsletter.


Monday –

Today we highlighted several sections of our newsletter.

Tuesday —

Today we are learning about the Water Cycle. We are reading the first paragraph of Water, Water Everywhere. We have a Water Cycle Powerpoint, and we are taking notes from it on notebook pages 49 and 50. These pages will be a daily work grade for the week. The link to these materials for purchase is here. I love the Science Penguin — she helps add pizazz to our Science lessons.



Wednesday — Today we are reviewing the water cycle, and finishing reading our newsletter. We will use this for our quiz on Friday.

Thursday —

Today we are completing NB 51 in our Notebooks and spending some time coloring a picture of our oceans.


Friday —

Week 11 Quiz today.

What’s Happening this week in Science — 11/17 – 11/21

I can’t believe it is already 2nd 9 weeks progress report time!! Where has this year gone?! We are finishing week 10 newsletter this week, and we are also getting ready for our Notebook Check next Monday. I’ll be grading pages 36 – 47.

Monday –

Today we are reading about Forces, magma, and fast forces/slow forces from our newsletter. We are watching a short Bill Nye clip, and writing three volcano facts on notebook 44. This page can be found here for download.


Tuesday —

Today we are reading about Pangaea and continental drift. We are listening to this cute Mr. Parr song and completing this notebook page. You can find the notebook page for download here.


Wednesday –

Today we are reviewing Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition in class. Students are completing a triangle flip-up for their Science notebook. You may find this page here.


Thursday –

Today we are reviewing for our Science quiz and students are completing a Water, Waves, Wind, Ice foldable. You can find the link here for the foldable.


Friday —

We are taking our Science Quiz on week 10 today and students may work on their notebook entries. I will be grading pages 36 – 47 on Monday. Progress Reports also go home today. We will start our week 11 newsletter when we get back

What’s Happening this Week — 11/12 to 11/14

I hope everyone had a great Veterans Day holiday! It was nice to be out — now let’s dig into Science until Thanksgiving break. 🙂

We are starting Earth Science this week! I love Physical Science, and I hope the kids have also. But, it will be nice to learn about some other aspects of Science. We will start our Week 10 newsletter on Wednesday, and we will test next Friday the 21st. We will have catch-up day the following Monday (11/24) and grade notebooks that day. I’ll post more about that next week.

Wednesday – We will get our new newsletter. Our title is Shaping the Earth. We will have six vocabulary words for this newsletter. They are pictured below or on notebook page 40.



We will read page 1 of our newsletter, and we will complete NB 41 today on the layers of the Earth. You may find it here.


Thursday —

Today we are learning about the different spheres of the Earth and completing notebook page 42. This notebook page can be found here.


Friday —

Today we reading the Geologists section and Erosion by Humans from our Newsletter. We are viewing an Erosion Powerpoint and completing a graphic organizer on NB 43. This powerpoint and graphic organizer are available here.


The Three R’s Booklet – 2/21/14


Today was the last day of our Earth Science unit. After our Daily Math Quiz, students were able to color/decorate a booklet. Some students chose to take their booklets home, and some volunteered for their booklets to be hung in the hallway.

I thought this booklet was a cute way to review our Three R’s!! The link is located here.