What’s Happening in Science — 10/27 to 10/31

It’s hard to believe that we are wrapping up our Physical Science with this weekly newsletter. We will come back to it during our big spring review. We are starting Week 9 this week, and we will have our quiz next Thursday (Nov. 6th.) We have lots planned and happening during the next 2 weeks!!

Monday –


We have 7 vocabulary words this week. Four of these words should look familiar to the kiddos — we’ve had them before during Week 8 and Week 5.


Today we are reading page 1 of our newsletter and illustrating NB 36. This will be our first page of our next Notebook Check.


Tuesday –

Today we are reading Force, Matter, and Motion. We are also having a Friction Lab today. We are using this neat lab page I found on teachers pay teachers. You can find the link here.


Wednesday – We will read about Gravity and Simple Machines. We will also complete our Simple Machine page on NB 38. I found this on teachers pay teachers. The link is available here. This will be our daily work grade for the week.


Thursday –

Today we will have a shorter class time due to a fun Reading activity this morning. We will begin learning about Issac Newton and start working on NB 39. I found this on teachers pay teachers. The link is here.


Friday —

Today we are having Halloween Lab Stations. I will post more information later in the week. 🙂

What’s Happening in Science – 10/20 to 10/24

This week we are learning about motion in our Week 8 Newsletter. We will test on Thursday. Our test will consist of 15 questions. It will be 9 questions from the newsletter and our six vocabulary words.

Monday —

Today we are going over our six new vocabulary words pictured below or on NB page 32. We are also reading page 1 of our newsletter and the portion about Robert Goddard.


Tuesday –

Today we are reading about how fast waves travel and reading A World in Motion. We will create a notebook page on NB 33. This will be our first daily work grade of the nine weeks.

Wednesday –

Today we are reading the Speeding Up and Giant Tractors section of our newsletter. We are also learning about Gravity. We will complete NB page 34 today.


Thursday –

Week 8 Quiz

Friday –

Today we will make a sundial if weather permits. Pictures to come 🙂