Ch 7 Notebook Check — 1/21 – 1/24


I will be checking our 4th grader’s Science Notebooks this next week (1/21 – 1/24) as time permits. This rubric is what they will be graded by. Science Notebooks are equal to one test grade in the grade book. We will start Chapter 9 notebook on Wednesday.

Science Ch. 7 Test Review Powerpoint 1/15/14


Tomorrow we are testing on Chapter 7 Hurricanes and Tornadoes. I am very excited — I can’t wait to see these great test scores!! Today in class we reviewed our Powerpoint to help us get ready for our test, and we had about 10 minutes of catch up time on our Science Notebook. I am attaching our Powerpoint if you would like to use this to help review material with your child at home. The powerpoint is located here —  Ch 7 Hurricanes and Tornadoes.

Pictured above are two 4th graders that brought their Tornado Project in today. This project is due on Friday, January 24th. I can’t wait for us to show off our tornadoes!! 🙂

** I will be checking our Science Notebooks on Tuesday, January 22nd — we will be adding another page or two to our notebook on Friday and Tuesday.