What’s Happening this Week (2/9 – 2/13) — Science and Technology

Due to a doctors appointment, a teacher workshop, and Senior Play I knew that this week would be hectic so I decided to skip ahead to week 18. This newsletter is about all the different ways we use technology, and I thought kids would be able to pick it up fast. We are testing on Friday — but we will get to use newsletters AND our science notebooks on it!!

Monday —

Students taped in their 6 vocabulary words into their notebooks. These may be used on their quiz this week!!


After reading/highlighting in our notebooks, students were assigned NB 79. I wanted students to list all the technology they could remember using over the weekend. We will revisit this later in the week. Below is my sheet of my technology used over the weekend. 😬


Tuesday –

We are reviewing and reading the Science and Technology section of our newsletter.

Wednesday –

We are finishing our newsletter, and we are discussing the 3 types of technology we are learning about this week — Technology and Agriculture, Technology and Disabilities, and Technology and Entertainment. We are completing the notebook pictured below.


Thursday —

Due to senior play, we will have shortened classes. We will work on the crossword puzzle on the back of our newsletter.

Friday —

Week 18 Quiz

*** We will start Week 16 Space next week. I can’t wait!!!