Volcano Booklet 2/6/14


Volcanoes!! 🙂

Isn’t this a cute booklet? I found this on the Internet at crayola.com. I’ve included the link here for anyone interested. I thought it was a cute learning tool plus an easy Daily Work grade for our 4th graders this week!! 🙂 I have a funny story to share today. Kids are SO honest — they keep me on my toes with their questions and thoughts!! So one of my darlings today said that I was a much better at coloring than drawing!! 🙂 I agreed with him wholeheartedly — drawing is not my talent, but I try my best at it just like I want them all to do in their notebooks.

After learning all about volcanoes yesterday, we had LOTS of fourth graders curious about volcanoes in the United States. So today we viewed the Top 10 most dangerous volcanoes in the United States .. very interesting!! This link is here. Anybody up for a field trip out west?

I also showed this cool National Geographic Volcanoes 101 video to our classes — here.