What’s Happening in Science (Week 13) — 1/14 – 1/22

We are currently studying Week 13 Weather and Climate newsletter in Science. This newsletter goes just right with our next one — Natural Disasters. These are some of our favorite things to learn about this year!! We are testing on Thursday, Jan. 22.

Wednesday (1/14) – We introduced our new vocabulary words and highlighted several sections in our Week 13 newsletter. These words are located on page 59 in our Science Notebooks.


Thursday (1/15) –
Today we reviewed Water Cycle and completed a booklet on NB 60. I purchased this booklet from the Science Penguin’s TPT store – the link is here. Students will have to be able to label the parts of the water cycle on their test. This booklet is a great study guide for them. 🙂 I will also be taking it for a Daily Work grade for the week.


Friday –

Today we focused on air masses and fronts in Science. We discussed and labeled the six air masses that affect weather in the U.S. This is located on page 64 in our notebooks. This led us to page 62 where we learned about warm, cold, and stationary fronts. I want students to be able to recognize these key words when they hear them during news forecasts during our weather homework assignment next week.



Also today we learned about weather balloons. A student brought in one they had just found in a tree — which amazed the students and also the teacher!! 🙂 I’m including the video we watched about them.


The above picture is the remains of the weather balloon we looked at in class today.

Tuesday (1/20) — We will review, we will look at a weather forecast and the weather map on NB 61. We will finish our newsletter and learn more about our homework assignment on NB 63.



Wednesday (1/21) —

We are completing a Venn Diagram about weather vs. climate on NB 65.


Thursday (1/22) —

Week 13 Quiz Day .. Our quiz will consist of our 6 vocabulary words, our 4 water cycle parts to label, and nine questions from our week 13 quiz. We will start Natural Disasters on the following Monday.

What’s Happening this Week — 12/1 to 12/5

This week we are studying Week 11 Oceans and Waterways. We will take our quiz on Friday.

We have nine words that go with this newsletter.


Monday –

Today we highlighted several sections of our newsletter.

Tuesday —

Today we are learning about the Water Cycle. We are reading the first paragraph of Water, Water Everywhere. We have a Water Cycle Powerpoint, and we are taking notes from it on notebook pages 49 and 50. These pages will be a daily work grade for the week. The link to these materials for purchase is here. I love the Science Penguin — she helps add pizazz to our Science lessons.



Wednesday — Today we are reviewing the water cycle, and finishing reading our newsletter. We will use this for our quiz on Friday.

Thursday —

Today we are completing NB 51 in our Notebooks and spending some time coloring a picture of our oceans.


Friday —

Week 11 Quiz today.

Ch 6 Test Review 12/16/13


Our Chapter 6 Test is tomorrow on the Water Cycle and Weather. Notebook Checks will also be done tomorrow in class. These are our last grades for the 2nd 9 weeks. Remember that Weather Homework on page 60 in our Science Notebook is due tomorrow and extra credit pictures for those interested. 🙂

Ch 6 Water Cycle and Weather

I’ve included our Chapter 6 Powerpoint that we reviewed in class today to help us get ready for our Science Test.  FYI — I think you have to have Microsoft Powerpoint to be able to view this.

Cloud Lab 12/11/13


Lab flop today guys!!
This idea looked so cute on Pinterest, but in real life not so much!!! We took a clear plastic cup and filled it halfway with water. We then put shaving cream on top of the water. We then squirted blue food coloring on top of the cloud for rain. The rain was supposed to go through the shaving cream and rain … Only a few cloud labs participated with us today 😦 The kids had fun though and we reviewed the water cycle — so all is well in 4th Grade Science 🙂 Next year though — we will find a different lab. 🙂

Weather Homework/Weather Map Symbols 12/10/13


This week we are finishing up Chapter 6 Water Cycle and Weather. It has been a perfect week to learn about weather with all of our crazy weather we have been having!! Today we kicked class off with our new notebook page 61 where we labeled the weather map symbols, and we predicted the weather from our symbols on the map!!

Students have homework this week — and it is located on notebook page 60. It is part of their Science Notebook for Chapter 6, and it will count as a notebook page. Students are to watch or look up the weather. There are lots of ways to accomplish this — a weather forecast on TV, a weather app (my personal FAVE is The Weather Channel app – it is FREE!), an internet weather site, radio, newspaper weather forecast, etc. Students are to date the page when they do the assignment, record the type of media (TV, Internet, etc.), and record any symbols they saw or heard on the forecast. For extra credit, students may send me a picture of them looking at the weather forecast OR bring it in. This is not mandatory, but I thought it may be FUN!! 🙂 This assignment is due on Tuesday, December 17th.  I am including a picture of me checking the weather on the Internet as an example 🙂

weather picture proof

Air Mass and Fronts 12/9/13


Today in Science we added two pages to our Science Notebook. On page 58 we added a page about air masses. We labeled the six air masses that affect weather in the United States. On page 59 we learned about fronts. We drew the three symbols for cold, warm, and stationary fronts. Our cold front that came on Thursday, and brought cold weather and rain helped us understand the concept!! 🙂 Big thanks to Eve Heaton and her blog — they provided the inspiration for these Science pages!!

Water Cycle 12/5/13


We are currently studying Chapter 6 Water Cycle and Weather. We are learning so much in Science this year!! Today in Science we added two new pages to our Science Notebook. I LOVED that graphic organizer at the top of this picture! I was surfing Teachers Pay Teachers over Thanksgiving, and I found it for free!! I’ve included the link here for anyone interested. We finished class by illustrating the Water Cycle. I’ve included my illustration from my notebook — don’t judge me too harshly .. I’m not an artist!! 🙂 I will be snapping pictures tomorrow of the kiddos illustrations — they will have time to complete the page at the beginning of class tomorrow. Stay tuned — FUN lab coming up tomorrow!! 🙂